Allen, Henry | Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons | 1 |
Allen, Henry | The Materia Medica of some important Nosodes | 1 |
Allen, Henry | The Therapy of intermittent Fever | 1 |
Allen, Timothy | Encyclopedia of pure Materia Medica [Vol. 1-10] | 10 |
Allen, Timothy | Primer of Materia Medica | 1 |
Arndt, H.R. | First Lessons in the symptomatology of leading Homeopathic Remedies | 1 |
Banerjee, Prosad | Materia Medica of indian Drugs | 1 |
Bedayn, Greg | Corvus Corax | 1 |
Bell, James | The homeopathic therapeutics of Diarrhea [3rd Ed.] | 1 |
Benson, Reuel | Homeopathic Nursery Manual | 1 |
Berjeau, Jean | The Homeopathic Treatment of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Etc. | 1 |
Bernard, Henri | The Homeopathic Treatment of Constipation | 1 |
Bhatia, V. R. | Influenza and its Homoeopathic Treatment | 1 |
Bidwell, Glen | How to use the Repertory with a practical analysis of forty homoeopathic Remedies | 1 |
Blackie, Margery | A Comparison of Arsenicum, Nitricum Acidum, Hepar, Sulphur and Nux Vomica | 1 |
Blackwood, Alexander | A Manual of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacology with clinical Index | 1 |
Blackwood, Alexander | Diseases of the Heart | 1 |
Blackwood, Alexander | Diseases of the Kidneys and Nerves | 1 |
Blackwood, Alexander | Diseases of the Liver, Pancreas and Ductless Glands | 1 |
Blackwood, Alexander | The Food Tract: Its Ailments and Disease of the Peritoneum | 1 |
Boericke, William | Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica | 1 |
Boericke, William and Dewey, Willis | The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schuessler | 1 |
Boger, Cyrus | Boenninghausens’s Characteristics and Repertory | 1 |
Boger, Cyrus | Synoptic Key | 1 |
Boger, Cyrus | The Study of Materia Medica and taking the Case | 1 |
Bonnerot and Fortier-Bernoville | Ulcer of the Stomach and Duodenum. [Translated from French by Rajkumar Mukerji] | 1 |
Borland, Douglas | Children’s Types | 1 |
Borland, Douglas | Digestive Drugs | 1 |
Borland, Douglas | Homeopathy For Mother and Infant | 1 |
Borland, Douglas | Influenzas | 1 |
Borland, Douglas | Pneumonias | 1 |
Borland, Douglas | Some Emergencies of General Practice | 1 |
Borland, Douglas | The Treatment of Certain Heart Conditions by Homeopathy | 1 |
Burnett, James | Curability of Cataract | 1 |
Burnett, James | Curability of Tumours by Medicines | 1 |
Burnett, James | Delicate, Backward, Puny and Stunted Children | 1 |
Burnett, James | Diseases of the Skin [3th Ed.] | 1 |
Burnett, James | Diseases of the Spleen | 1 |
Burnett, James | Diseases of the Veins | 1 |
Burnett, James | Enlarged Tonsils cured by Medicine | 1 |
Burnett, James | Fevers and Blood Poisonings | 1 |
Burnett, James | Fifty Reasons for being a Homeopath | 1 |
Burnett, James | Gold as a Remedy in Diseases | 1 |
Burnett, James | Gout and its Cure | 1 |
Burnett, James | Natrum Muriaticum | 1 |
Burnett, James | On Fistula and its Radical Cure by Medicines | 1 |
Burnett, James | On Neuralgia [2nd Ed.] | 1 |
Burnett, James | Organ Diseases of Women | 1 |
Burnett, James | Ringworm | 1 |
Burnett, James | The Change of Life in Women | 1 |
Burnett, James | The Diseases of the Liver [2nd Ed.] | 1 |
Burnett, James | The New Cure of Consumption by its Own Virus [Reprint 4th Ed.] | 1 |
Burnett, James | Tumours of the Breast | 1 |
Burnett, James | Vaccinosis | 1 |
Burt, William | Physiological Materia Medica | 1 |
Chatterjee, T. P. | Fundamentals of Homeopathy and valuable Hints vor Practice | 1 |
Chatterjee, T. P. | Hints on homeopathic Practice and Children’s Diseases | 1 |
Chatterjee, T. P. | My memorable Cures | 1 |
Chatterjee, T. P. | My Random Notes on Some Homeopathic Remedies Reprint | 1 |
Chatterji, A. N. | Three in One | 1 |
Chauhan, R. | Expressive Drug Pictures of Homoeopathic Materia Medica [Vol. 1+2] | 2 |
Choudhuri, N. | A Study on Materia Medica and Repertory | 1 |
Choudhury, Harimohon | 50 Millesimal Potency in Theory and Practice | 1 |
Choudhury, Harimohon | Hints for Treatment of Cancer | 1 |
Clarke, A. | Decachords | 1 |
Clarke, John | Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dysentery | 1 |
Clarke, John | Constitutional Medicine with especial Reference to the three Constitutions of von Grauvogl | 1 |
Clarke, John | Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica [Vol. 1-3] | 3 |
Clarke, John | Diseases of the Heart and Arteries | 1 |
Clarke, John | Grand Characteristics of Materia Medica | 1 |
Clarke, John | Gunpowder as a War Remedy | 1 |
Clarke, John | Haemorrhoids and habitual Constipation | 1 |
Clarke, John | Homeopathy explained | 1 |
Clarke, John | Indigestion – Its Causes and Cure | 1 |
Clarke, John | Non surgical Treatment of Diseases of the Glands and Bones | 1 |
Clarke, John | Radium is in internal Remedy | 1 |
Clarke, John | The Cure of Tumours by Medicines | 1 |
Clarke, John | The Prescriber [6th Ed.] | 1 |
Clarke, John | The Therapeutics of Cancer | 1 |
Clarke, John | Therapeutics of the Serpent Poisons | 1 |
Clarke, John | Whooping Cough cured with Coqueluchin | 1 |
Cleveland, Charles | Salient Materia Medica and Therapeutics | 1 |
Dewey, Willis | Essentials of homeopathic Materia Medica | 1 |
Dewey, Willis | Practical homeopathic Therapeutics | 1 |
Digby, Berkeley | Lac Caninum | 1 |
Douglass, Melford | Pearls of Homeopathy | 1 |
Douglass, Melford | Skin Diseases | 1 |
Dransfield, Gill | The homoeopathic Proving of Spectrum | 1 |
Dudgeon, Robert | Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Homeopathy | 1 |
Duncan, T. C. | Hand Book on the Diseases of the Heart and their homeopathic Treatment | 1 |
Dunham, Carroll | Lectures on Materia Medica | 1 |
Dunham, Carroll | Symptoms, their Study or ‚How to take the Case‘ | 1 |
Dunham, Carroll | The Science of Therapeutics. A Collection of Papers | 1 |
Ennis, Sylvia | The Natural Choica Sickle Cell | 1 |
Farrington, Ernest | Clinical Materia Medica | 1 |
Farrington, Ernest | Comparisons in Materia Medica with therapeutic Hints | 1 |
Farrington, Ernest | Therapeutics Pointers and Lesser Writings with some clinical Cases | 1 |
Farrington, Harvey | Homeopathy and homeopathic Prescribing | 1 |
Fayazuddin, M. | Hypericum – A Study | 1 |
Fayazuddin, M. | Surgeon’s Friends in Homeopathy. Arnica Montana | 1 |
Fayazuddin, M. | Surgeon’s Friends in Homeopathy. Succus Calendula | 1 |
Fisher, Charles | Homeopathy in obstetric Emergencies | 1 |
Fortier-Bernoville, Maurice | What we must not do in Homeopathy [Translated From French by R. K. Mukerji] | 1 |
Foubister, Donald | Homeopathy and Pediatrics | 1 |
Foubister, Donald | The Carcinosin Drug Picture | 1 |
Foubister, Donald | The Significance of past History in homeopathic Prescribing | 1 |
Fraser, Peter | Proving of Pavo Cristatus | 1 |
Gallavardin, Jean-Pierre | Plastic Medicine homeopathic Treatment | 1 |
Gallavardin, Jean-Pierre | Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica | 1 |
Gaskin, A. | Comparative Study on Kent’s Materia Medica | 1 |
Gibson, Douglas | Elements of Homeopathy | 1 |
Gibson, Douglas | Fear and Homeopathy | 1 |
Gilchrist, J. G. | The homoeopathic Treatment of surgical Diseases | 1 |
Grimmer, Arthur | The Collected Works | 1 |
Gunavante, S. M. | The „Genius“ of homeopathic Remedies | 1 |
Gupta, R. L. | Directory of Disease and Cures in Homeopathy [Vol. 1 | 2 |
Hahnemann, Samuel | Materia Medica Pura | 2 |
Hahnemann, Samuel | Organon of Medicine | 1 |
Hahnemann, Samuel | The chronic Diseases, their peculiar Nature and their homoeopathic Treatment | 2 |
Hawkes, W. J. | Characteristic Indications for prominent Remedies | 1 |
Hering, Constantine | Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica (Vol. 1-10) | 10 |
Hering, Constantine | The homeopathic domestic Physician | 1 |
Hind, Jai | Chronic Diseases and Theory of Miasms – Team of experienced Teachers | 1 |
Hoyne, Temple | Clinical Therapeutics [Vol. 1-2] | 2 |
Hughes, Richard | A Manual of Therapeutics: According to the Method of Hahnemann | 1 |
Hughes, Richard | Manual of Pharmacodynamics | 1 |
Hughes, R., Dake J. P. | Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy [Vol. 1-4] | 4 |
Hutchison, John | Seven-Hundred redline Symptoms | 1 |
International homoeopathic Research Trust | 1 | |
Jahr, Georg | Forty Years of Practice [Translated with Notes and new Remedies, by Charles J. Hempel, M.D.] | 1 |
Jahr, Georg | Homoeopathic Treatment of Diseases of Females and Infants at the Breast | 1 |
Jahr, Georg | The venereal Diseases, their pathological Nature, correct Diagnosis and homeopathic Treatment | 1 |
Julian, Othon | Materia Medica of new homeopathic Remedies | 1 |
Kent, James | Kent Lectures on homeopathic Philosophy | 1 |
Kent, James | Lectures on homeopathic Materia Medica [4th Ed.] | 1 |
Kent, James | Use of the Repertory – How to study the Repertory | 1 |
Kent, James | What the Doctor needs to know in order to make a succesfull Prescription | 1 |
Knerr, Calvin | Drug Relationship | 1 |
Krishna, Kumar P. | Talks on Poisons, Metals Acids & Nosodes used as homeopathic Medicines | 1 |
Krishna, Kumar P. | The Man, Sexual Problems and their Cure | 1 |
Krishna, Kumar P. | The Women, Female Problems and their Cure | 1 |
Krishnamurthy, V. K. | Homeopathy in Accidents and Injuries | 1 |
Kulkarni, V. | Gynecology and Obstetrics | 1 |
Le Roux, Patricia | Lac Caninum, Remedy of Ailments from Child sexual Abuse | 1 |
Leeser, Otto | Homeopathic Materia Medica. [Translated by Boyd L. J.] | 1 |
Lilienthal, Samuel | Homeopathic Therapeutics [2nd Ed.] | 1 |
Lippe, Adolph von | Keynotes and red Line Symptoms of the Materia Medica | 1 |
Lippe, Adolph von | Keynotes of the homeop. Materia Medica | 1 |
Lippe, Adolph von | Text Book of Materia Medica | 1 |
Macfarlan, Donald | Concise Pictures of dynamised Drugs: Personally Proven | 1 |
Majumdar, P. C. | Appendicitis curable by Medicine | 1 |
Malhotra, H. C. | Care and TreatmentFistula, Piles | 1 |
Malhotra, H. C. | Menses and Health [A Lady’s Manual of homeopathic Care] | 1 |
Master, Farokh | A Proving of Moccasin Snake [Toxicophis] | 1 |
Master, Farokh | Agitated Argentums | 1 |
Master, Farokh | Ammoniums: the Sour Prunes | 1 |
Master, Farokh | Sandy Silicea | 1 |
Megens/Rutten (Hrg.) | Samuel Keynotes | 1 |
Moffat, John | Homoeopathic Therapeutics in Ophthalmology | 1 |
Moore, James | Dog Diseases treated by Homeopathy | 1 |
Mount, S. J. L. | Migraine | 1 |
Nash, Eugene | Expanded Works of Nash | 1 |
Nash, Eugene | Leaders for the use of Sulphur | 1 |
Nash, Eugene | Leaders in typhoid Fever | 1 |
Nash, Eugene | Regional Leaders [2nd Ed.] | 1 |
Nash, Eugene | The Testimony of the Clinic | 1 |
North American Journal of Homoeopathy | 6 | |
Ostrom, Homer | Leucorrhoea and other Varieties of gynaecological Catarrh | 1 |
Paige, H. W. | Diseases of the Lungs, Bronchi and Pleura | 1 |
Palsule, S. G. | Asthma and Blood Pressure | 1 |
Palsule, S. G. | Dentistry and Homeopathy | 1 |
Palsule, S. G. | Homeopathic Treatment for E. N. T. Diseases | 1 |
Phatak, S. R. | Materia Medica of homoeopathic Medicines | 1 |
Pulford, Alfred | Homoeopathic Materia Medica of graphic Drug Pictures and clinical Comments | 1 |
Rajagopalarao, P. | Most Valuable Tips from Masters of Homeopathy | 1 |
Roberts, Herbert | Sensations as If | 1 |
Stephenson, James | Hahnemannian Provings – A Materia Medica and Repertory 1924-195 | 1 |
Tyler, Margaret | Different Ways of Finding the Remedy | 1 |
Tyler, Margaret | Pointers to the common Remedies | 1 |
Tyler, Margaret | Repertorizing | 1 |
Wadia, S. R. | Homeopathic Cures Asthma | 1 |
Wadia, S. R. | Homoeopathy in Children’s Diseases | 1 |
Wheeler, C. | Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Medicine | 1 |
Wright-Hubbard, Elizabeth | A brief Study Course in Homeopathy | 1 |
Yingling, William | The Accoucheurs Emergency Manual | 1 |
218 |
Stand: 11.02.2021