The Family Finder – an exciting and groundbreaking collaboration between Anne Vervarcke and Frederik Schroyens.
Streamlined & beautiful interface designed especially for finding families.
Enter keywords that express the core issues of your case.
Differentiate between families, quickly viewing the essential themes and core experience of each group.
Discover many lesser known remedies!
Essential family themes – Precisely defined and easy to find!
This innovative module allows you to effortlessly search for keywords that are linked to homeopathic families and small remedies. Gain instant access to themes, expressions and essential information gleaned from Anne’s clinical experience and broad understanding of the ‚Vital Approach‘ in Homeopathy.
- Use this module to help define a family of remedies that match the vital sensation, core experience, presentation-style and mannerisms of your patient.
- Call upon Anne’s broad knowledge of families and small remedies to help in your Homeopathic casework.
- Comes with a visual map which helps you to orientate the case according to the central themes / level of development.
- Diverse families are mapped according to the complexity of the issues present in the case.
- These are defined as 2D or 3D – a division which makes the process of kingdom selection more simple.
- Free ‚Vital Approach‘ Manual included